Feliz ano nuevo, mis amigos. Taylor Swift may have loved 2013, but this girl was ready for an even-numbered year. Do you dare disagree with me, since this year brought us Miley twerking up a storm, and selfies at every turn?!?! I daresay 2014 will be much more likeable and peaceful.
I feel melancholy as this year begins. Why? I mean, I have 2 healthy children and a loving husband and great friends and family, blah, blah, blah. I'll just tell you that we have our share of struggles too. It currently happens to be that nasty bugger called money. I'm not going to bore you or put on a pity party for the Smitty's, but I did promise to be real on this blog, and this is me sticking to that promise. Alright fine, it has a little to do with ER bills, my lead foot, and 2 people who lack the 'go get 'em' gene. I never was good at keeping secrets or being politically correct about things anyways. I personally think the world would be a better place if I just knew your salary, you knew mine, and money just wasn't a big secret. Am I the only one who thinks things like this? There is a reason my husband has to prep me before work parties. Last time he left me alone with his coworkers for 5 minutes and when he got back they all wanted to know how he 'got that raise' when no one else did--oops!:)
Back to the money thing. We are at a crossroads now where we know we are about to learn some hard lessons, but likely come out on the wiser end of money. I foresee a painful start to 2014, but I say give me what ya got, new year. We can take it, and I suspect my Jesus won't stay out of this lesson. He generally finds Himself right smack in the middle of it, in fact.
Right now I am loving
Matthew 6:33--But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. (ESV)
Philippians 4:19--And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (ESV)
I'm assuming you didn't come to this blog for a money lesson from yours truly. God help you if you did. What I am is an imperfect girl who doesn't mind sharing parts of life that are good and not so good, in the hopes that Jesus can do some work in your life as a result of what I share. Thanks for reading! We had a really amazing Christmas, and I plan on sharing some pics and moments from that time soon!
In the meantime, I'm glad it's a new year, with the same Jesus. I'm so grateful He never leaves me, forsakes me, changes, or sends me bills.
Cheers, friends!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
1 week ago