To say I've fallen off the blogging wagon doesn't even cover it. I believe it's been 4 months since I posted. What better way to get back on the wagon than a birthday post for my best girl?
She's 1, folks. Due to some strange version of time travel, Ingrid managed to squeeze 12 months into approximately 5 blinks of my eyes. She is bald, beautiful and full of joy most every day. She waves at lit-rally everyone and will likely be my child who willingly walks into the arms of a stranger some day. Lord help me.
Let's start with milestones, shall we?
-she walks!
-she talks! (dad-dy, ma-ma, woof woof, hi, ba-dy (which i think is Henry)
-6 teeth!
-eating all things and loving most of them!
I love the differences I see in my children and am amazed at how God so clearly ordains who they are. I'm just here to watch it unfold, and I suppose nudge it in a socially acceptable direction now and again. She is mostly this happy, sweet girl who loves to smile and be friendly. Somehow she's also very determined, (if she wants to reach something, the girl will get it or die trying!) passionate (she roars when annoyed), and loyal to her mama! If I am available to do her bidding, then she wills it to be so. I'm not too bent out of shape on this, as she's still little. This mama would certainly love to have her hands free at some point, but holding her is something I'm trying to cherish for the time being.
(her sassy face-I love it!)
It's been a speedy year, Ingrid Rose. You've been the best addition to our family and I can't wait for the years to come.Here are some snapshots of her party! It was delayed due to illness, but we managed to scrounge up some family and friends to celebrate our lady!
(cake eater!)
(cake by Dolce Bakery! Amazing!)
(singing to the bday girl!)
I have drafted some deep-thinking, Momtroversial thoughts but have yet to post, as I couldn't tell if I was cranky or empassioned. Will post if deemed worthy. Also, have you enjoyed the thing we call 'the outdoors'? My children are both confused and overjoyed by the ability to go outside and not sprint to the next warm facility. Love to you all!
HBD, Ingrid! I'm amazed by your milestones and hope you can teach Charlie a thing or two the next time we see you ;).