Monday, November 5, 2012

October happenings.

Per usual, I am posting about a few things because I can't seem to blog more than once a month.  I guess the bright side is no one can blame me for over-posting or boring anyone!

Let's dive right in!
The first big moment in October came when we had our ultrasound for Smitty baby #2.  Let's be clear that I am incapable of wanting to be surprised, so we absolutely found out what we were having! All is well with baby, which we are abundantly grateful for.  I no longer take for granted pregnancy or a healthy baby, as I feel like I hear more and more of babies lost or babies with health problems.  These have a purpose in God's plan, no doubt, but I know heartache often goes with them.  For whatever reason, God has spared us heartache in this area up to this point, and I truly am grateful for a healthy little boy, a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby on the way.
So, here SHE is!!!:)

Isn't she the most beautiful thing you've ever seen in black and white? I love her dearly and can't wait to meet her in March.  Before I let myself get carried away with the pink and flowers and bows, I want to share the verse I am praying for her these days:

1 Peter 3:18
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 

I pray she will know Him, begin to love Him, and that any grace she carries comes from Him--not this world. I have to admit raising a girl intimidates me more than a boy for some reason.  Maybe it's all that personality God gives some girls, maybe it's the societal expectations on women, or maybe I'm just not sure if she'll like me.  Either way, I pray she will see Jesus through Jerry and I as we navigate the waters of parenting a sweet or sassy little girl, whichever she might be.  Frankly, I hope she's a little of both:).

Next in October for Henry and I was a fun vacation to see our Dallas friends who relocated to Tampa shortly after we moved to Kansas City.  We had such a great time with them!  It doesn't get more tropical and vacation-y than Tampa!  Alina and I met through Square One, our church's first-time mom's ministry.  It was a blessing to us both, and we bonded over nursing, spit up, sleeplessness and all the insecurities that come with being a new mom.  It's clearly kept us close even as the babies turn to toddlers! She's already on round 2 of babies, by the way! Isn't Luke adorable?

Gracie and Henry had their fair share of fun too!  It's safe to say they either remember each other, or they just met and loved each other again!:)  Either way, we all picked up where we left off and had a great time playing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company!

Our time was spent at the beach, the zoo, the bay shore, and of course on the couch with kiddos sleeping peacefully!:) We even snuck in a 'Mommy's Night Out' for dessert! Thanks for hosting us, Mike and Alina!! We loved our time with you all and wish Florida and Missouri were closer together!

Next, what October is complete without a little dressing up?? We kinda had fun with it this year!  Last year Henry was a classic Peter Pan, so this year I decided to go as un-classic as possible.  Like, I already expect Henry to say in a few years, 'Mom, why did you dress me up as that?'.  I can't wait--because Henry was none other than The Biebs!!!! And may I say, Bieber aint got nothin on this guy!!

We also squeezed in a little pumpkin painting with our friend Ava! They really loved it! I have so enjoyed seeing Henry be able to enjoy little tasks and crafty things!
 While I am talking about him, I have to say this age has been so great! He is exploding with words, and truly loves interacting with us.  He is our little man now, and we are enjoying every minute with him! For my purposes, and maybe yours too, his favorite things to say right now are:
-mok (milk)
-duuuuus (juice, even though he rarely gets any)
-seat (any time he sees a chair, couch, high chair, etc)
-walk? (he loves to go for walks-so we are trying to get them in now before it's too cold!)
-hod uuu (hold you, which means please hold me!)
-bus!!! (the kid loves all forms of transportation, but this is his favorite)
-kuck (truck)
-pee pee, poo poo (any time anyone goes to the bathroom or we change his diaper-awesome in public!)
-elmo? (he's obsessed! loves watching him on the ipad or TV)
-all done! (when finished eating, ready to be done with any activity)
-supp ah! (no idea what this means. have ruled out supper, super, and basically everything else that sounds like supp ah:)
Now comes November and the fun that is the holidays!! I am looking forward to some family Christmas pics, gatherings with friends, a re-introduction to snow, food, and important things like the Starbucks red cup:).  What are you looking forward to? I hope to be back soon with my plans for baby girl's nursery, holiday happenings, and a Christmas pic preview--I am kinda excited about them!
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