Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ingrid is seven months.

Typing that feels a little bizarre, as I am certain she can't be that old. At this age, Henry had several posts dedicated to his ability to breathe air. Ingrid has maybe 2? I am assisting Ingrid with second child syndrome big time.  She is no less important to us than her big brother, of that I am sure. Let's get to it, shall we?

7 month stats:

She likes....
~avocado and sweet potato
~sticking her tongue out
~her big brother
~sitting in front of the mirror
~bouncing like crazy
~her paci

She doesn't like....
~being alone. ever.
~green beans
~tummy time

~sits up alone
~loving her some solids!
~sleeping 8 hrs at a time
~rocks like she's thinking about crawling
~has survived 3 colds, a virus, and food poisoning (tough girl!)

Ingrid is such a happy little lady and blends into our family seamlessly.  She has special smiles for dad and big brother, and likes mom just fine too!  She seems pretty social, as she is happiest when you are right in her face.  She loves to touch your face with her hands when you get close enough.  She likes her jumper (just like big brother!) and looking at herself in the mirror.
I feel much more laid back with Ingrid than I was with Henry.  This is probably a good thing:).  I am more able to see her as God's child who is in my care during this life, as opposed to this human who I am 100% responsible for, including all behaviors at all times.  I am less anxious for the 'next stage' and more content to accept what is.  I love seeing who Ingrid is becoming and pray I will always come alongside who God has planned for her to be and support it 100%, never breaking her spirit or tearing it down in any way.  I am certain to fail at this as her mother, but so grateful God is gracious.  I am hoping He has an extra dose of grace for those of us who have parented children!:)
We love you, sweet Ingrid Rose.  It's been 7 months of sweetness with you in our world. Keep 'em comin, baby girl!

love, mama.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Awhile ago I wrote about a bible study i was doing on the topic of idols, and how it had affected me as a mom and follower of Jesus.  Essentially, I felt like my idol of control caused me to stay 'safe' as a mom and not branch out when it came to daily activities, but more importantly not letting Jesus 'wreck' my life for Him.

I am far from the place where I want to be in that process, but I am happy to report I have taken some steps towards living a life in service of Him and allowing my children to be there every step of the way. I alluded to some plans I had to serve with my kids, and those plans involved serving refugees. For whatever reason, God has placed this population on my heart (Leviticus 19:33) and I love serving them in any way I can.  I found an organization called Mission Adelante here in KC that does great work with Latino and Bhutanese people and got in contact with them.  I went to volunteer training and got hooked up with Molly, whose heart is gold, I tell ya.  The best way for us to serve at this time involves helping clean up the resource center (kind of like a thrift store) weekly and fill bags of rice and beans that go to refugee families on Saturdays.  Glamorous? Nope. Direct contact with refugees? Sometimes.  It took me awhile to get OK with this 'behind the scenes' work.  I have a vision for direct contact in the future, involving casual ESL classes for moms of these families, but for now this is what we do.  It allows us to work at our (slow) pace, and allows Henry to participate.  I can bring them both without major stress, and feel like we accomplished a little something by the time we leave.  We don't go every week, but we go when we can.

Why do I talk about all of this? Do I think I'm amazing? Certainly not.  There are moms that would put me to shame on serving others, being crazy creative and giving of their time.  I only share it to encourage anyone who reads this, not to make anyone feel guilty/jealous/crummy as a mom.  It took some persistence to organize serving with the kids.  It took a bit of determination.  But now that we are doing it, I'm so grateful to have something regularly that does not serve to entertain my child, but to teach him about something beyond himself.  It's at an elementary stage right now, but we will get there.  Right now he knows we go to help and fill bags, and that on the way there he will get to see real live trains (we drive past train yards on our way).

If you have been on the fence about stepping out of your norm as a mom/worker/spouse/child of God, would you consider just doing it, Nike style?:) It took me long enough, and per usual, once I did it I wished I had done it ages ago.  But there were all these barriers--pregnancy, busy-ness of life, etc.  Don't we always have a really good excuse?!?!? I know I do. Would you consider doing the thing that doesn't make sense, and people have maybe even recommended you not do because it would be too 'stressful'? I imagine God will meet you right there.

love y'all.

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