Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall/Winter Fashion Report

So......I had a baby. Like a week ago. You'd think I'd blog about her and my birth story, but instead I decided to blog about fashion, because if you can't trust a postpartum mother of 3 for all of your fashion decisions, I ask you, WHO CAN YOU TRUST???
Let's just dive right in, shall we?

All things plaid. Just yes. Plaid for president! 
Loving this boxy yet bossy jacket. I picture myself casually wearing it out on the town with my cool leather pants and cuffed booties. The stroller and diaper bag would of course mask all cool-ness, but a girl can dream. (Bushy eyebrows optional)

The dressed-up slip on 
This is possibly the best fashion trend ever. For people like me who love to look on-trend yet stay in their comfy slip-ons, this is a dream come true. We will milk this trend until 2016 at least.

The grandpa sweater/cardigan

I've always loved me some cardigan, but these are making me want to just sip a chai and watch Christmas movies all day long. Pair it with slim jeans and a winter boot and you've got yourself a perfect comfy/fashionable combo, my friend.

Mixed Pattern tops
I like to label my style ecclectic.  This is code for 'confused, indecisive style'.  "I think I want to wear something feminine and floral today, but I can't decide if I should just wear a sweatshirt instead...." Enter this trend! Wear them both, and make it wurk, gurl.

I will be back to share more of our new arrival, Gwendolyn Pearl.  Right now we are cuddling and loving her (mom and dad) and smothering her (siblings).  Here's a peek at her!

Also, if you aren't cheering for these guys, you are dead to me.

Much love!
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

the sympathy for moms

I am well into my 29th year, and I am finally starting to feel like life has turned me into a woman.  It took me longer than the average girl, I think.  Don't ask me why, but I subcousciously resisted maturity.  It was my silent rebellion to conformity.  I wear flip flops when I should be wearing boots.  I stay up later than a mom with young kids should.  I don't always cook a vegetable with my meals.  Sometimes I love it when my kid says inappropriate stuff because I want him to be hilarious in this life.

All that to say, I am finally conforming to social norms like green beans, Ugg boots, and the dreaded 10 PM bedtime.  Because it's smart. Because it's good for me.  Because there is a reason the majority of the world does it, and it's not because they are a mindless robot who does what society tells them.
Imagine my surprise, though, when I learned that, with my newfound maturity, comes humility to the life which God has called me. Was that too big a jump? I should apologize for that, but instead I'll just go with it.

You see......I have a problem with the lovey dovey mom articles.  The "I see you, stay at home mom" articles.  "You're not alone in the daily grind" blog posts.  Thanks for those, all of you precious dears. Bless your little hearts.  I actually kind of mean that.....but I think we've seen enough of those for awhile.
Before you think I'm cruel, have no heart or I'm just a giant buzzkill, hear me out.  Stay at home moms do need the occasional encouraging word.  They even need to hear that what they are doing is as important or more so than the CEO who runs a corporation.  But I fear we have gone too far the other direction.  We now feel that people must know how hard it is.  If they don't know, someone should make them know.  Or that our husbands must bow down in awe of how selfless we are.  That working moms just do not get it. Or that all of social media should know how many poopy diapers I've changed today (totally guilty of doing this, by the way).

I am so glad that Jesus is with me throughout my day and really does see what I do and knows my heart.  I'm also glad he does that for my sister who pours into kids all day and comes home to whip up dinner and spend time with her daughter before putting her to bed so she can correct papers.  I'm glad he sees my husband, who wakes up every morning to do his (sometimes monotonous) job and has energy before and after that full-time job to play with kids and even do some contract work after bedtime.  I'm really glad he gives the CEO the discipline to wake up at the crack of dawn and deal with the details of a company I couldn't even begin to understand and handle thousands of employees and even more dollars.  Those other people I mentioned rarely ask for sympathy though, because society doesn't want to feel their pain like the stay at home mom, for some odd reason.  Are we noble? Maybe. But so are others.  No one walks in my shoes, but I don't walk in theirs either.  I'd like to spend more time imagining other's struggles and spend less on my own.  If you've ever spent time in other countries and at first pitied them only to realize they don't need your pity, because they might be better off than you, you know what I mean.  If I imagine others struggles, I don't necessarily pity them, I just learn that mine are not unique.  Not on this side of heaven.  In turn, I am able to have perspective on my situation and move forward instead of marinating on my loneliness or selflessness. No matter the issue, we are best to look past ourselves and look into the lives of others.

As a stay at home mom, please don't give me your pity.  Please don't act like I'm a goddess.  I might receive it and feel pretty good about myself for a minute, but you haven't challenged me at all.

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Monday, May 19, 2014

i'm a glutton for punishment

Call me Morbid Megan, call me Negative Nancy, call me Debbie Downer, whatevs. I can take it.  This blog is going to be all about dying children and babies and if you don't want to read it......don't. It's the worst kind of thing that happens in this world and no one takes pleasure from reading it.  Here's my schtick though.  It happens, so why don't we want to see the good that can come from it? We want to just call it heinous and horrid and be done with it.

A sweet, adorable couple is pregnant with their first. Only they find out he won't be healthy part way through the pregnancy.  They decide to carry him to term and pray for a miracle.

An adorable, joy-filled, redheaded boy who is the only child of his doting parents, follows a firsbee into the street at the wrong moment and goes to meet Jesus.

A God-fearing, intentionally parenting couple with twin 5 year old boys, a sweet 2 year old girl, and another on the way, find out one of their twins has a brain tumor that is rarely seen in children and is so fast growing that it takes sweet Ben's life in mere months.

I have literally been pouring over these events over the last few weeks. I feel mildly addicted to these types of things lately.  I wasn't sure why until I talked to my husband, who understandably cannot fathom why I do this to myself.

It goes something like this:
J: "I hate reading this stuff. It just worries me for what could happen to our kids."
M: "I know. It's kind of ridiculous...but I can't help it!"
J: "So stop reading it!"
M: "Somehow it gives me perspective as a Mom. And I really need that some days."

The conversation goes on, but what I realized in hashing that out is that I am so human.  I'm prone to letting my kids drive me batty. And wish for a day to myself.  And get jealous of single people. It's UN-ATT-RAC-TIVE.  I have been given this life. These kids. And shall we not forget I wanted it all?? And now I have the audacity to wish it away when I'm at my end? What I have seen in these stories is that it could certainly all be taken away.  And we all know I would want it back in a heartbeat.  The messes, the sleepless nights.  All. The. Noise.  Even the whining and pooping.

What blows my mind is that the stories above have shown me people are praising Jesus in the midst of the mess.  They are trusting in a God who has never failed them yet, and isn't even failing them now, when babies are being taken away and getting sick.

Of course I would claim to do the same thing given the 'hypothetical' scenario of any of the above.  But would I, really? I think it's an important question to ask.  Do I really have patience and love for my family, knowing it could all be over in an instant? Would I trust that God's plan really is perfect and He wasn't asleep at the wheel when my son was taken from me?  I won't tell you my answer.  Ok, I will.  First I would be devastated. Then I'd be pissed. Then I'd sob for days and tell you all the regrets I have over how much I wish I'd loved better/nagged less/taken more time.  It wouldn't be pretty folks.  My heart wants to believe I'd come back to my Savior who never fails and never falls asleep at the (very important) wheel.  What I can tell you, is that these stories that make us all a little sick, sad, guilty feeling have a lesson for us all.

First, I think it's about a Jesus who loves us with a love that's transcendent.  We literally can't fathom how He loves us.  It can change people and hearts and make us feel whole.  It also is absolutely the kind that doesn't carelessly toss aside babies for no reason.  Next, it's about a life that's meant to be lived with perspective on the eternal.  These kids aren't ours to keep.  They are ours to love, care for, and point to Him in everything we do.  I cannot tell you how easy it is to lose that perspective on the daily.  My human nature needs to be reminded that these things happen on this side of heaven.  I am grateful for these stories and these examples of women/men who live out the Jesus of it all when life gets messy.

If you made it through, thanks for reading. I hope this can give you perspective on your situation and on a God who never fails.

John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

m'lady hath 1 year

To say I've fallen off the blogging wagon doesn't even cover it. I believe it's been 4 months since I posted. What better way to get back on the wagon than a birthday post for my best girl?

She's 1, folks. Due to some strange version of time travel, Ingrid managed to squeeze 12 months into approximately 5 blinks of my eyes.  She is bald, beautiful and full of joy most every day. She waves at lit-rally everyone and will likely be my child who willingly walks into the arms of a stranger some day. Lord help me.

Let's start with milestones, shall we?
-she walks!
-she talks! (dad-dy, ma-ma, woof woof, hi, ba-dy (which i think is Henry)
-6 teeth!
-eating all things and loving most of them!

I love the differences I see in my children and am amazed at how God so clearly ordains who they are. I'm just here to watch it unfold, and I suppose nudge it in a socially acceptable direction now and again.  She is mostly this happy, sweet girl who loves to smile and be friendly.  Somehow she's also very determined, (if she wants to reach something, the girl will get it or die trying!) passionate (she roars when annoyed), and loyal to her mama!  If I am available to do her bidding, then she wills it to be so.  I'm not too bent out of shape on this, as she's still little.  This mama would certainly love to have her hands free at some point, but holding her is something I'm trying to cherish for the time being.

(her sassy face-I love it!)
It's been a speedy year, Ingrid Rose.  You've been the best addition to our family and I can't wait for the years to come.
 Here are some snapshots of her party! It was delayed due to illness, but we managed to scrounge up some family and friends to celebrate our lady!
(cake eater!)

 (cake by Dolce Bakery! Amazing!)

(singing to the bday girl!)

I have drafted some deep-thinking, Momtroversial thoughts but have yet to post, as I couldn't tell if I was cranky or empassioned. Will post if deemed worthy. Also, have you enjoyed the thing we call 'the outdoors'? My children are both confused and overjoyed by the ability to go outside and not sprint to the next warm facility. Love to you all!
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Thursday, January 2, 2014

new year, same Jesus.

Feliz ano nuevo, mis amigos. Taylor Swift may have loved 2013, but this girl was ready for an even-numbered year. Do you dare disagree with me, since this year brought us Miley twerking up a storm, and selfies at every turn?!?! I daresay 2014 will be much more likeable and peaceful.

I feel melancholy as this year begins.  Why? I mean, I have 2 healthy children and a loving husband and great friends and family, blah, blah, blah.  I'll just tell you that we have our share of struggles too.  It currently happens to be that nasty bugger called money.  I'm not going to bore you or put on a pity party for the Smitty's, but I did promise to be real on this blog, and this is me sticking to that promise. Alright fine, it has a little to do with ER bills, my lead foot, and 2 people who lack the 'go get 'em' gene.  I never was good at keeping secrets or being politically correct about things anyways. I personally think the world would be a better place if I just knew your salary, you knew mine, and money just wasn't a big secret.  Am I the only one who thinks things like this? There is a reason my husband has to prep me before work parties.  Last time he left me alone with his coworkers for 5 minutes and when he got back they all wanted to know how he 'got that raise' when no one else did--oops!:)

Back to the money thing.  We are at a crossroads now where we know we are about to learn some hard lessons, but likely come out on the wiser end of money.  I foresee a painful start to 2014, but I say give me what ya got, new year.  We can take it, and I suspect my Jesus won't stay out of this lesson.  He generally finds Himself right smack in the middle of it, in fact.

Right now I am loving
Matthew 6:33--But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. (ESV)
Philippians 4:19--And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (ESV)

I'm assuming you didn't come to this blog for a money lesson from yours truly.  God help you if you did.  What I am is an imperfect girl who doesn't mind sharing parts of life that are good and not so good, in the hopes that Jesus can do some work in your life as a result of what I share. Thanks for reading! We had a really amazing Christmas, and I plan on sharing some pics and moments from that time soon!

In the meantime, I'm glad it's a new year, with the same Jesus.  I'm so grateful He never leaves me, forsakes me, changes, or sends me bills.
Cheers, friends!
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