Thursday, December 31, 2015

for the mother runner.

Hello from your flaky blogger friend! Apparently I haven't blogged since our summer vacay?!?! I'm frankly surprised there isn't some sort of internet patrol that squashes blogs that haven't had a post in 4 months, but alas, they entertain our sporadic thought processes. So here I am, scratching my blogger itch by posting about my fave running items!

The runner in me has seen some serious rejuvenation over the last 4-5 months. I was wondering why, and then it dawned on me that I've been pregnant and/or nursing from July 2012-present and I am only minimally nursing Gwen now so I finally feel the freedom to chase down some goals! I did run a half marathon when Ingrid was 7 months, but I got pregnant shortly after and I always let running take a bit of a back seat to creating a I backed off.  This fall I ran another half and have been able to keep some momentum, which has been amazing!

I used to feel guilty when the runner in me died a little with each pregnancy/nursing go-round.  I never verbalized those feelings to other moms because I knew I would get 'the look' and I would want to eat my words.  After 3 rounds, I now feel more than comfortable saying that I truly love being able to run unhindered by pregnancy/nursing.  I have zero regrets for any of our childbearing choices, but just grateful to be in a place currently where I can put running back on the priority list!

I thought I'd talk some gear first. I have a few favorite items that I splurge on , and others that I keep minimal.  The obvious splurge for a runner is shoes.  I know very few runners who do not have specific preferences on this item.  I prefer a structured shoe (versus a cushioned shoe) so I have been running in the Asics Kayano since high school.  I fell into this shoe during high school track and haven't looked back. It's the old 'if it aint broke, don't fix it' mentality for me.  I have terrible ankles and this shoe gives me good support there, along with being lightweight and cute, which are bonuses.  To save money on this shoe, I buy the old version or the less popular color. They aren't cheap, but I find them on sale often! A good shoe can make running enjoyable or miserable, so don't go too cheap on this item!
As far as apparel, this is where I keep it minimal.  You won't find me recommending certain breathable shirts or crotch wedgie-proof shorts.  I wear tshirts, tanks, fleeces and tights of all kinds.  I have everything from Target to Old Navy, Nike to Gap in the way of apparel.  If someone tells you that you must have Lululemon tights to be a serious runner, tell them to shut it.  Lulu, shmulu.  (Alright fine, I have a Lululemon shirt from my pre-kids days and I freaking love it. But it's totally nonessential to my running performance.  It just never stinks no matter how badly I sweat, which is amazing!).  The tights I'm wearing in this picture are from Costco, the shirt is from none other than THE South Dakota State University, and my ear cover and gloves are from Urban Outfitter! I'm seriously a 'throw on whatever I have' kind of girl when it comes to running apparel.
Another splurge you see in this pic is a gift I received at Christmas from Jer.  He got me a Garmin Forerunner watch that is pretty amazing!! When it comes to my running stats, all I care about are distance and pace.  This does that and uploads it to Strava (my favorite running app that I will mention next!) for me.  It has GPS that I have to allow to connect for a couple of minutes before my run, and then I'm good to go. It buzzes at each mile so I know without looking how far I've gone. It's pretty cute too, so I'm a fan so far!
Back to Strava. I like to think of it as Facebook for runners. You can follow people and see your friends' workouts, analyze your workout in a bit more detail, and label them so you can look back throughout the weeks, months and years previous to see how your fitness has progressed! I trained for my half with a friend who had Strava and it was fun to keep each other motivated using this app! Only caution, as with all social media, is that if it just makes you feel inaduquate-don't follow others. That's never the goal! You can simply sign up and not follow anyone if that's the case!
Another small item I love in my running gear is good headphones.  I kind of hate earbuds, so I go for the ones that wrap around the back of my head. This brand is Sennheiser, which I've been using for 7-8 years. They are great and never bother me! If I was a super hardcore runner, I wouldn't use headphones because I wouldn't listen to music.  So sue me if I need a little Katy Perry to motivate me!!
Notice how I don't have a jogging stroller in my pic with me?!?! I do have one. It's a double BOB jogger and that's definitely my recommendation for those looking! It's just that I feel like a grandma when it comes to being a mom runner.  It goes like this: First kid-"I can't wait to run with my baby! I can do it all!" Second baby: "Guess I better get a double jogger! I'll feel so hard core pushing both!" Third kid: "Dude. They don't even make triple joggers. Even if they did, I wouldn't be crazy enough to buy one. Plus, running is my way to get my sanity back, so I'm going alone!" So that's why you don't see one.  I could technically push the girls while Henry is at preschool, but pushing them together is something like 65 lbs, so I'd have to run on mostly flat surfaces, and I don't like to be so specific about my routes if I can avoid it. Moral? Do what works for you. Currently, what works for me is running alone with the occasional jogger stroller run, or going to the Y.

In the vein of getting in runs as a mom, I should also mention I am extremely blessed in that I have a husband who gets home between 4:30-5 most days.  This allows for me to get a run or 2 each week in before dinner, if I've planned ahead enough. If you have a husband who's unavailable until the late evening, I'd recommend a gym membership with childcare or investing in a treadmill at home.  I personally go the the Y at least once a week and do treadmill or elliptical work so that I don't use up every evening running! Another idea would be a running friend who would want to trade with you on childcare duty (i.e. meet at a house and one runs, then swap as soon as she gets back! Grand total could be an hour or two, depending on distance and pace!).  I've gone through times where it's harder to get in a run, and times where it's easier. Just know that you'll have to get creative and allow for times when you're in maintenance running mode and others where you can ramp it up if kids/time allows.  I'm just glad I've never completely given it up, because it's truly something I love that gives me clarity and sanity as a mom.  God has spoken some seriously important things to me on my runs, and I'm so glad I've given myself the free mind time to hear him!

This was kinda silly but fun for me. I know it doesn't apply to everyone, but hopefully some out there found it helpful! Happy New Year and happy running, friends!

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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Smith Family Vacation 2015

As we did a couple of years ago, our summer vacation was spent at a small cabin resort in Northern Minnesota.  We enjoyed it so much 2 years ago (last summer our 'vacation' was moving into a new home!) that we knew we would come back.  It's the kind of place that takes hours of back roads to get to, and your stress slowly melts away with every twist and turn of the road. By the time we arrived, we were all itching to get out of the car and stretch our legs.  We had just enough time to go check out the dock and beach, and make a quick run to the lodge for games and puzzles before the rain started. We managed to grill burgers despite the rain, and spent the evening checking out the cabin (complete with a kids loft!) and settling in.

We knew this year would be different from last time, as Henry was now 4 and could genuinely appreciate a lot of the activities.  Ingrid, who was 5 months last time, was now able to explore with him, and Gwen was getting to join in on her first vacation!  Part of why we love this place so much is the simplicity of it.  Aside from a small beach, playground, a few kayaks, and a nature trail, the resort is simply cabins and walkways.  The kids could roam freely (within reason) while we watched from the cabin or nearby and they were able to dictate much of the activity.  It's refreshing to do that when you stay home and do lots of instructing throughout the day!

The following day was rainy as well, so it included a huge breakfast, sipping coffee well into the morning for Jerry and I, and cabin movies and games.  The kids and I snuck out for a nature walk while Gwen napped and Jerry read a book.  I also got out for a gloriously quiet run that afternoon as well.  We had a simple dinner and all crowded ourselves into the kids loft to hang out together.  I should also mention that since there is no dishwasher, lots of dishes get done by hand and dried by hand here.  I'm no fan of dishes, but somehow at the cabin it's kind of relaxing.  It slows me down and makes me grateful for all of these mouths we feed.  We also followed tradition by primarily leaving our phones on airplane mode so that we were more present with the kids and each other.  We spot checked them during naps and in the evening, but by and large we stayed off our phones. It was refreshing!

Thursday brought friends of ours that came to visit from a town nearby.  They have a little guy about Ingrid's age, so the kids enjoyed playing at the beach while we had a picnic on the dock and eventually headed out on the little boat provided by the resort for some fishing!  Everyone had the chance to catch a fish (and then some!), so it was definitely a successful day on the boat.  The littles were getting sleepy, so we headed back and fished some more from the dock while they napped.  Heidi and I threw together fajitas for Jerry to grill and we all ate dinner on the patio and chatted while kids ran around. Before they took off, we managed to throw together a killer fire for s'mores and more chatting!  It was really nice to have friends come visit us this year-especially ones we hadn't seen in forever!

Friday was more of the same for the kids and Jer and I.  Coffee, kayaking, sand digging, and walks around the resort.  Jer and I squeezed in runs again, and then we all got cleaned up for the evening to head into the 'big' town nearby for mini golf and dinner.  Mini golfing was crazy but fun! It's always exciting to try new things and realize just how much the kids are capable of.  We went to dinner at the exact same place and sat at the exact same table as 2 years previous.  Somehow that made me reflect on God's goodness to us as I ate my BBQ Chicken pizza:).  I'm grateful he has given us healthy, hilarious kids! I'm grateful for our marriage and how God has grown it over our 8 years.  I'm grateful for income to provide for a simple vacation that refreshes our spirits.  God has given us more than we deserve and I so easily forget how amazing that concept is.

Saturday the kids got one more go round on the playground while I tidied up before the LONG trek home.  We were definitely sad to say goodbye to our little cabin home, but it's always so nice to get back to your real home with your own bed .....and dishwasher:).

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Monday, May 11, 2015

The Day of the Mother

How was your Mother's Day? I hope yours was messy, exhausting and full of love. Motherhood in a nutshell, amiright?

Mine started with a welcoming party at 8 AM.  I pulled into the driveway after a night shift and was met with these delicious faces:

Henry is holding a picture he made for me in school that week, Ingrid is wearing Henry's (too big) jammies, and Jer has tired eyes because he was solo Dad all night holding a starving baby who is not a fan of bottles. They are loud and disheveled, but oh so happy to see me.  I am grateful to come home to faces that missed me while I was gone.

Next we sit down to the table while I nurse the baby and the kids scarf down Dad's delicious homemade pancakes that have become a Saturday favorite. We decide that I will down some coffee and go to church with the crew, because it's Mother's Day after all.  I open a couple of really thoughtful gifts from Jer and the kids and read a card that makes me smile.  Then we hang out for a bit before tackling the battle that is appropriate church clothing and pile in the van for church.

At church I say Happy Mother's Day to my friends who have become like family to me here in KC.  We all have that same look of tired eyes, hair thrown together and clothes that might not be the trendiest, but they will do.  We don't often shop for ourselves or have much time to get ready in the morning, after all. Among these friends is a single mom, one who is pregnant after a long wait, and another going through a difficult season. We are all on our own journey in motherhood.  It's been filled with smiles, tears, and stretching beyond what we thought we were capable of.

Next we head home where I get dropped off for my much needed nap, and Jer presses on to make a grocery/Target run with all 3.  I stuff a cold chicken breast in my face before I crash because I forgot to eat breakfast and am too tired for a proper lunch. When I wake up, Jer says they ran through a downpour but everyone was on their best behavior, so it was a victory for dad.  

Dinner looks to be yet another delicious meal by Jer with lots of veggies (my request!) and some meat too (everyone else!) with blondies for dessert.  Jer also surprises me with something I've wanted forever (Craigslist special!) so that we can have some amazing summer evenings, or so Pinterest has convinced me.  I realize I have a really amazing husband wanted to make me feel special on this day.  I am so grateful for that.

The day ends with baths, bedtime stories and a quiet movie in for Jerry and I.  A good day, indeed.

**This post is nothing special, but I just wanted to document it for myself in the future when Mother's Day looks a lot different.  I imagine I will forget the details of these days with little kids, so lots of these little parts might mean nothing to you, but they mean a lot to me:). 

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Monday, April 6, 2015

A literary smorgasbord, natch.

I'm sitting here watching the NCAA final and remembered I have a blog. If it were a child it would be starving, unkempt and starved for affection. Since it is not, I neglect it at will and then smother it with love and kisses sporadically. get ready for a sloppy wet one, interwebz.

Happy belated Easter! He is risen, indeed! I shared a verse that struck me particularly this Easter on Instagram: In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?"  Luke 24:5  I am just struck by the fact that I serve a risen savior who promises us abundant life.  Not the kind that leaves me feeling exhausted, unappreciated, or unsettled. The kind that fills my heart and even overflows it because of how perfect and life-giving it is.  But.  Sometimes I still walk away from it or ignore it because I believe that life can be found in children or my husband's affection or social media or losing post baby el beeeees.  Spoiler alert: life is not found there.  So why do I look for life among what is dead? The answer is embarrassing.  I am human and selfish and forgetful.  I was grateful for this reminder this weekend.
In the vein of Easter is spring.  I just have a simple thought here.  I am so grateful for what age has done to me in regard to seasons. I literally drive around seeing green and realize GOD DOES THIS EVERY YEAR! Do you people realize this? He lets things die and then brings them back to life.  I used to just be all, 'ummm, yeah, that's what spring is. BFD.'  And now I'm all, 'God is so artistic and faithful and amazing! His Earth screams of His power, and we just drive around it singing Taylor Swift nonsense and don't even appreciate the tulips and cherry blossoms and lots of other flowers I do not know the name of.' (Hey, I said I appreciate it, but I'm no horticulture genius!)

Moving on.

I gave up Diet Coke for lent.  And I actually followed through on it.  Short of the resurrection, this may be the biggest miracle of all time.  Some have referred to Diet Coke as the Nectar of the Gods, NBD.  So.....lent turned into rehab for me this year.  Days 1-10 were torturous.  There was anger, gnashing of teeth, tremors and things of this nature.  Days 11-20 were uncomfortable and my 'can do' attitude was more like 'suck it' at this point.  Days 21-40 were just your basic grind it out kind of a situation.  But friends, there was no denying that I am an addict in truest form and it ain't a good feeling.  It forced me to look at my vice with new eyes, and suffice it to say I don't plan on going back to it for the forseeable future.  Why? I sleep better at night and snack less at night because of it.  I think clearer and don't rearrange my life to find a gas station when the clock strikes lunch.  Will I go back to drinking my beloved DC? I won't rule it out.  But if you're on the fence about giving up a vice, I would of course encourage you to do it.  You'll never regret it and you'll learn a few things about yourself along the way! Another side note? Group text is the new support group! (I'm lookin at you, Jen and Tara! Couldn't have done it without ya!)

Gwendolyn is 5+ months old, y'all.  She's just now giving us a glimpse into her real personality, and I love every bit of it.  She's relaxed but excitable, determined yet sweet, and man does this girl love her siblings.  She always keeps one eye on Ingrid (right on, sister) and her eyes light up when Henry gives her his attention. She loves the whispers of her daddy and she's pretty keen on me too (boobs)! We love Gwennie P with all our hearts!!

Let's see....I'm watching this show lately.  It speaks to me on 63 levels and is genuinely a positive show.  That hardly exists any more, so I'm loving it!
I follow these girls on Instagram and it's my favorite follow lately! Who knew that joint was hiding so many gems! And these girls do the hard work for you, so you can get in and get out quickly if you know what I mean!
You know I can't leave you without my expert fashion advice, so I leave you with these gems.
Get these sandals if you want to feel romantic and vintage.
Buy these if you are practical with a side of hipster. I got them last fall and haven't looked back!
Wear this if you are super confident and could care less what people think of you (AKA my hero).

Let me know if you are aware of a one piece swimsuit that makes you look like a million bucks but costs under 50-tummy control action preferred, thankyaverymuch.

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Gwendolyn Pearl: A Birth Story

I don't mince words in birth stories, so read on if you want to hear words like dilated, membranes, and meconium, mmmmmk?

At my 39 week appointment on Wednesday morning the 22nd (6 days before due date), I talked to my midwife Jeane about ways to speed the labor process along.  She checked me and I was 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced. At first she said that she felt like stripping my membranes wouldn't likely produce tangible results, i.e. a baby.  After chatting a bit, I either convinced her or she changed her mind, and she went ahead and stripped my membranes to see if we could have a baby that night!  I headed home with the kids, and grabbed Chipotle on the way home because it sounded good (why would I do this to myself?!?!).  After feeding them lunch, it was nap/quiet time and I got some time to myself.  I kept busy and in motion, trying to help this baby shimmy on down the birth canal while occupying my mind so I wouldn't overanalyze each twinge.  I should also add that I made myself a nice strong cup of red raspberry leaf tea (I swear by the stuff ever since Henry was born following a gallon of 5 bag tea!) and also a capsule of RRL given to me by a friend!  After cleaning up and thinking through birth stuff, I sat down to read a book for a bit.  I began to notice some definite contractions, but wasn't too focused on them, as I had been having them often this pregnancy.  I did notice that they had some regularity though, so I went ahead and downloaded the contraction timer on my phone to keep track.  They were about every 7 minutes and lasting 45 seconds.  I texted Jer to let him know.  He seemed to think it could be wishful thinking, as I really wanted to have the baby that night! (I'm a planner to the bitter end, I tell ya!)  I decided to get back up and keep busy in case this wasn't the real deal.  It seemed like the contractions went away when I was up and moving, so I started to think maybe Jer was right.  The kids were up shortly after this and I went for a walk with them, taking my time, but walking about 3 miles to keep encouraging little lady to vacate the building!  We got home around 5 when Jer got home from work. As we got dinner ready, I think he was noticing I seemed uncomfortable at times.  I was beginning to think this was it also, as contractions had strengthened on the walk and I was pausing even just when standing at home.  Dinner/bath/bedtime is a bit of a blur for me, as I spent most of it trying to be aware of labor while trying to be normal 'mom' to the kids, who were wondering what was up with me.  We did call Jer's mom before dinner to have her start heading South from Omaha to stay with the kids.  If this was it, we wanted to let her know before it got too late!  By the time the kids were almost down (7:30), I knew we would need to get to the hospital before his mom arrived at 10, so we called a good friend to come stay with the kids until she got there and I let Jeane know we would be heading to the hospital soon, which she agreed with. On the drive there, I waffled between thinking we were leaving too early and thinking we made the right decision.  Contractions were definitely strong, but were still anywhere between 4-5 minutes and lasting about 1 minute.  I like to get to the hospital as late as possible without being too uncomfortable on the drive over.  We were able to have some good conversation on the way there in between contractions about the fact that this would probably be our last drive to a hospital with the anxious expectation of what was to come.  I've always felt really good about Jer and I's teamwork with labor/delivery/newborn stuff, and I will always have a special feeling in my heart about each of those times with our kids.
Back to labor! We arrived at the hospital and Jeane was waiting for us there.  We headed to a triage room where she checked me and told me I was dilated to a 6! I was somewhat surprised because I didn't feel like it had been too intense yet and a 6 seemed further along than I felt!  We headed to a L&D room and got checked in while Jer let people know this was it! At this point I was still feeling pretty comfortable and Jeane and I decided I should labor in the tub for a bit to stay comfortable and relaxed.  The Royals happened to be playing a World Series game that night, and being the baseball fan that I am, we also turned the game on for entertainment! I think Jer, Jeane and my nurses were pretty pumped about that!
After laboring in the tub for 45 minutes or so, Jeane wanted to see how I was progressing.  She checked and I was dilated to a 9! Given that we had been chatting (but definitely with the occasional intense contraction!), I was caught off guard at how speedy this labor was! She mentioned that she could break my water (it's never broken on its own with any of my 3) or we could get back into the tub if I wasn't mentally ready for what breaking my water would do (duh, a baby!).  I decided I needed some more time, so we did more tub time until I started feeling the urge to push, which was only about 20 minutes.
I should mention here that, while Jer was as supportive as ever during this labor, Jeane was really amazing as well.  She gave my poor husband a break in round 3 by playing role of doula, midwife and friend.  She chatted with me, massaged my head, talked me through every stinking contraction, and reassured me every time I was stressed or concerned.  That's a great midwife if you ask me!
Once we knew it was time to push, it was back to the bed, which is no small task when you are fully dilated and ready to have a baby! Jeane broke my water and delivered what was some bummer news for me--there was meconium in the amniotic fluid.  This meant the NICU team would need to be present when Gwendolyn was born in case she aspirated any of the fluid during birth.  This information threw me off my labor game for a bit.  We've truly never had complications with any of our kids, so a small bump in the road wasn't a big deal, but took me a moment to calm back down and get my game face on.  Once we had a nice crowd going in the room (woohoo!) I needed to do some pushing, but could not for the life of me find a position I felt good in.  I have some serious mental blockage with pushing that goes all the way back to Henry, so I won't bore you with the details, but long story short Jeane really wanted me pushing sitting up or on my side and I wanted to be on my knees.  With the meconium situation, she said that wasn't a great option, so I had to give the old sitting and pushing option a try.  I was so convinced it wouldn't work that I wanted to just keep Gwen in and call it a day! Seeing as how that wasn't happening, I caved and gave a good push while sitting.  Jeane told me she was literally right there and I just needed to give a couple more good pushes!  I'm an overacheiver, so I gave the best push of my life (too good I think!) and Gwen was out at 11:17 PM!
I wanted to have her right on my chest to get a look at this sweet baby girl, but she took a big enough gulp of fluid that they had to cut her cord and suction her a bit before I could have her.  I felt a little nervous but was reassured by the nurses that all was well, she just needed a good suctioning.  Once that was taken care of, I got to stare at Gwendolyn and tell her how amazing it was to have her in my arms! She definitely looked like a Jerry/Megan product and we fell in love immediately (duh!).  After the dreaded stitching and pounding on my stomach, they left us alone with Gwen for some serious staring and eating and staring again.  Jer and I loved those moments with her and felt like she just belonged with our little family.  We also loved that she let us experience labor during the day/evening as opposed to overnight! It really is amazing to not be so sleepy after delivery!
We were transferred to postpartum shortly after and after staring some more and letting the post-birth adrenaline wear off, we alternated rest and eating for the remainder of the night.  The kids came to meet their baby sister that afternoon and did pretty well given the shock that a tiny human is to small children!  Jer's mom was so sweet to bring them to meet her and made them feel loved while we were at the hospital, or 'hotel' as 3rd time parents refer to it.
The following day we bugged out with our precious addition, and the rest is history, folks:)

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